Friday 15 March 2013

Friendship Theme - Passing a Tissue

I took this photograph because friends are there for you when you need them and would hand you a tissue if you were crying. I like this photograph because it is simple but also very effective as it is a sign of love and companionship.
I cropped this photograph so that there wasn't unnecessary background and so that the photograph was focused on only the feature that is important, the passing of the tissue.

                                     This is my original photograph before i cropped it.

Friendship Theme - Feet

I took this photograph as it shows two friends standing side by side no matter what. I like this photograph as by having the plain background, the pairs of feet stand out more.
I edited this photograph by cropping out the legs and the unnecessary background. I also used the Spot Healing tool to remove the nail varnish off the toes nails to make the feet look younger and more innocent.

          This is my original photograph before I cropped it and used the Spot Healing tool.

Friendship Theme - Pinky Swear

I took this photo because it is a symbol of friendship, pinky swearing is how young children make promises with their friends. I like this photograph because is it so simple and innocent.
The brightness of the photograph gives it a light and upbeat aspect.
I cropped this photo so that only the main feature, the hands were visible and so that there wasn't too much going on.
I used the highest flash intensity on the camera to make the image so bright.
                                    This is my original photograph before it was cropped.

Frienship Theme - Holding Hands

I took this photograph because it shows true friendship, holding hands even through the darkest times. The shadows represent the darker and tougher times whereas the rest of the photograph is very light as friends are also there in the brighter and happier times.
I like this image as it is so bright and clear. The brightness of the photograph presents it in a happy and positive light.
The photograph is so light as I used the highest intensity flash that the camera offered. The only changes i made to the photograph was cropping out unnecessary background in order to have the photograph only focusing on the hands.

                                    This is my original photograph before it was cropped.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Friendship Theme - Balloons

I edited this photo by outlining the balloons so that when I adjusted the hue and saturation levels, it wouldn't affect them. On the rest of the image I used the hue and saturation sliders to change the levels and end up with the rest of the image in a darker light. I wanted the rest of the photograph to be duller so that the balloons stood out, I think that by having the rest of the photograph darker it makes the balloons look much brighter than they actually are. I also think that the balloons add a fun aspect to the photograph as they are so bright. I like this image because although it is so simple, by editing the photograph it makes it look a lot more interesting. I also cropped the photograph so that there were no unnecessary objects in the image and it was focused on only the main features (the girls and the balloons).

This is my original photograph, as you can see the balloons are not very interesting and the main focus is on the girls. The photograph is also including a lot of background which is not needed. This photograph is boring and there is too much going on.

Friday 1 March 2013

Using a filter

 I used one of the filters on Photoshop to edit my photograph. I used the Smudge Stick tool because it brightened the whole image and so more of the details came through. I played with a lot of the different filters but came to a conclusion that the Smudge Stick tool looked the best. I also used the sliders on the Stroke Length, Highlight Area and Intensity bars to adjust how the Smudge Stick tool was applied to my photograph. I chose to edit this image as originally it was very dark and was boring to look at, by adding a filter, I’ve made the image lighter and more interesting as you are able to see more detail. By increasing the light intensity on the photograph I am also uplifting the mood of the piece, friendship is a very light and upbeat theme and so now the photograph matches the theme.
                                 This is my photograph after adding the filter.

                         This is my original photograph before being edited.

Rule of Thirds

I took my own photograph that followed the Rule of Thirds. This image follows the Rule of Thirds because the main focus of the photograph is to the left of the image instead of having it in the middle. By having the main feature off centre, the image has become more interesting because you can see more of the background but also because it is not like a typical photograph (which only focuses on the middle of the image), it is unusual. It is also much more interesting because the main features (the girl’s faces) are not just placed to the side but are placed methodically so that they lie on either junctions or on lines that demonstrate the Rule of Thirds. I used Photoshop to add in the lines that represent the Rule of Thirds. I like this photograph because of its simplicity but how it still follows my theme of friendship. I chose to take this image because not only will it clearly demonstrate the Rule of Thirds but it also shows friendship in its simplest form, childlike and fun. To improve this photograph, I could have made it lighter in order for even more details to be seen.
         This is my photograph after adding the lines to symbolize the Rule of Thirds.
   This was my original photograph without the lines symbolizing the Rule of Thirds. 


This photograph inspired me to pick the theme of friendship. I chose the theme of friendship because I thought it was a positive and happy topic and there are endless possibilities to express friendship through a range of images. I also chose friendship because I think that the photographs that represent friendship are really interesting to look at. I chose this image because I think it truly represents friendship as the two boys are so relaxed and at ease with one another. I also chose this image, as they seem so comfortable with each other as though they are brothers. I found this image on Google.

This is my interpretation of the original photograph. I chose to take a photograph of my sisters because the two boys are like brothers in the original photograph and so my photograph will relay the relationship portrayed originally. I turned my photo black and white using Photoshop; I also turned my image darker than the original one by using the tools on Photoshop. My photograph is also much bigger than the original so you can see more of the people within my image.