Friday 8 February 2013

What makes a photo interesting?

Lighting makes a photo interesting because you can light an image from any angle; above, below, from the left, from the right, from behind or from in front.
The composition can make a photo look interesting as it is the different parts of an image; by adding things in then you can create a whole different theme to the photo than to what it was at first.
Simplicity is interesting in a photo because it is more natural and more relatable; it also then helps you to focus on the main aspect of the image instead of being confused as to what the moral of the photo is.
The angles that are used in an image can give a whole different outlook on the image, for example by taking a picture of a person from below, you are making the person seem bigger than they actually are (larger than life). 
Shot Type
The type of shot taken, for instance a close up shot would be useful and interesting to show a facial emotion whereas a long shot wouldn’t be suitable.

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